This introductory learning series for community members explores various aspects of Milwaukee County's criminal legal system. The series offers an opportunity to gain a better understanding of the local criminal legal system. Participants learn terminology and definitions, follow how a case flows through the system, and participate in open dialogue with system stakeholders.
Recognizing the unique challenges returning community members and their familes face following periods of incarceration as well as our commitment to ensuring a safe community for all, the Milwaukee Reentry Council (a subcommittee of the Milwaukee Community Justice Council) is leading the Home to Stay initiative, a monthly resource-rich event designed to address the needs of system-involved persons, returning citizens, and families impacted by incarceration.
The Safety and Justice Challenge (SJC) represents a significant investment by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation to reduce over-incarceration by changing the way local jurisdictions think about and use jails. Milwaukee County was among 11 communities selected to join the SJC Network in 2016.
Evidence-based decision making (EBDM) is the practice of using research findings to inform and guide decisions across the criminal legal system. Milwaukee County was selected to join the National Institute of Corrections Evidence-Based Decision Making Initiative (EBDM) in August 2010.