Milwaukee Community Justice Council
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CJC Standing Committees

The Milwaukee Community Justice Council accomplishes much of its work through standing, interagency committees.

All meetings are open to the public, and members of the public are welcome to attend. Additional information about CJC meetings can be found here

Current active committees are listed below. Sign up here to receive CJC meeting invitations and notices.

Community Engagement Committee

The mission of the Community Engagement Committee is to help facilitate effective communication between the Council and the community at large. This committee is responsible for seeking public input and identifying ideas and concerns that the community has with the criminal legal system. This committee is also responsible for educating the public about initiatives, programs, and services supported by the Council. 


Data Analysis & Research Committee

The Data Analysis & Research Committee focuses on improved data quality and information sharing across multiple organizations to gain a comprehensive understanding of the criminal legal system while informing systemwide priority-setting.  

Co-Chairs: Constance Kostelac and Stephanie Garbo

Jail & Huber Utilization Committee

Jail & Huber Utilization Committee is focused on establishing sustainable diversion, alternative, and in-custody programming as well as developing and implementing a quantifiable reduction in incarceration levels consistent with public safety goals.

Chair: Tom Reed

Juvenile Justice/JDAI Committee

(Meets Quarterly)

In March 2013, the CJC Executive Committee adopted a motion by the Milwaukee County District Attorney and seconded by the Chief Judge, that the JDAI Advisory Committee would represent the Juvenile Justice Standing Committee of the CJC and report to the CJC Executive Committee.

For more information regarding JDAI in Milwaukee County, please contact Site Coordinator, DeShell Parker, at [email protected].

Co-Chairs: DeShell Parker

Mental Health Committee

The Mental Health Committee aims to prevent unnecessary system involvement and improve the treatment of persons with mental health needs who come into contact with the criminal legal system. Made up of criminal legal agency representatives, behavioral health professionals, and mental health advocates, the Mental Health Committee uses data-driven strategies to identify individuals in our community at greatest risk of cycling between systems and leverages interagency collaboration to encourage immediate, ethical, and efficient system responses to this population.

Co-Chairs: Tom Reed, Kent Lovern, and Michael Lappen

Milwaukee Reentry Council, Reentry Committee

The Milwaukee Reentry Council is a community-facilitated reentry committee created by the CJC in late 2016. The Reentry Council is comprised of multi-sector entities and reentry advocates, working together to better serve populations returning to the community after periods of incarceration.

Meeting Facilitator: Conor Williams (Public Policy Institute, Community Advocates)

Milwaukee Community Justice Council


633 West Wisconsin Avenue - Suite 406, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203

(414) 435-1250




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