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MacArthur Foundation Safety & Justice Challenge Awards Milwaukee Community Justice Council

Additional $2.3 Million to Advance Local Justice System Improvements


January 30, 2019 — For far too long, the misuse and overuse of jails has taken a heavy toll on families and communities. In Milwaukee County, we are committed to changing that.

Since its inception, the Milwaukee Community Justice Council has worked diligently with system and community partners to affect change, with the goal of realizing our collective vision of a more fair, efficient, and effective justice system. For the last four years, this mission has been bolstered by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, which provides significant funding and technical assistance to jurisdictions across the country to promote forward-thinking solutions that reduce overreliance on America's jails. Their investment has enabled local leaders to forge new partnerships, leverage additional resources, and introduce innovative practices to improve the criminal justice system.

Today, by way of the Milwaukee Community Justice Council, MacArthur Foundation’s Safety and Justice Challenge has awarded Milwaukee County $2.3 million in recognition of the promise of work to date and to support the county's continued progress over the next two years. With this grant, Milwaukee County will strengthen community engagement and reduce unnecessary use of the local jail through case processing, mental health diversion, reentry support, and expanded data strategies.

Milwaukee County is proud to be among a collaborative of 52 cities, counties, and states that are leading the way in addressing over-incarceration as part of the Safety and Justice Challenge Network, and we look forward to our continued partnership with the MacArthur Foundation.

For more information, please visit our Milwaukee County Safety and Justice Challenge webpage and join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #RethinkJails.

Milwaukee Community Justice Council


633 West Wisconsin Avenue - Suite 406, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203

(414) 435-1250




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