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Lakefront Gateway Plaza Design

On October 27, 2015 The City of Milwaukee announced that the design team led by GRAEF was selected as the winner of the Lakefront Gateway Plaza National Design Competition. The selected design will be used to secure funds and grants for further design and construction.

Click Here to See The Design Concept

rendering of Lakefront Gateway Plaza Design
Design Team: GRAEF, PFS Studio, Rinka Chung, DEW (Dan Euser), NEWaukee

We are interested in hearing from you! 

The City of Milwaukee, in cooperation with Milwaukee County and the Greater Milwaukee Committee, and with the design team and adjacent stakeholders, is in the process of gathering community input for an exciting project on the downtown lakefront.

  • What activities would bring you to this new space? (Consider summer/winter, typical day/special event, permanent/“pop-up” events).
  • How do you rank the suggested activities?
  • How can we can connect this space to whole city of Milwaukee?
  • How do we make this feel like it belongs to all of Milwaukee?
  • What elements of the design attract you to the site, or excite you?
  • Do you see anything missing in the concept as proposed?
  • In event of choosing parts of the concept, what should not be lost?

Please submit your comments:

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